Power Game Pak 2
Power Game Pak volume 2.iso
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In this lesson, you will be introduced to the concept of a brand and
its significance in marketing your products. You will also learn about
brand management and its most important aspect - advertising.
In this tutorial, the following hot keys are available:
[Esc] - Quit the tutorial.
[Back Space] - Go back one tutorial step.
pos : 86, 394
This is the factory that you set up in the "Manufacturing"
lesson. It seems to be running well.
pos : 395, 65, 418, 90
mouse : left single
A department store has been built in the city as a sales outlet for
the factory's products. Click the department store to look at it.
pos : 213, 391
Sales have been weak and the department store has been losing
money since its opening.
pos : 335, 261, 388, 314
mouse : right single
The product detail report provides information to help you understand
the reason for the poor sales results.
Right-click on the product picture to display the report.
pos : 428, 257
Your competitor's brand rating is up to 28, and yours is zero.
Since the prices are the same, customers are buying the products
of the company with the higher brand rating. This is keeping your
market share quite small in this area and leading to low profits.
pos : 317, 366
To compete, you must increase your brand rating. A brand rating is the
sum of two factors, brand awareness, and brand loyalty. A brand rating
cannot be changed directly, instead you must work on the underlying factors.
pos : 317, 382
The brand awareness rating measures how aware consumers are of this brand.
People often buy a product simply because they are familiar with
its brand. In Capitalism, we capture this effect in the brand awareness
pos : 317, 382
A product can achieve a high brand awareness rating if the brand
has been advertised extensively, the product has been on the
market for a long time, or if the brand is widely distributed.
pos : 317, 396
A brand loyalty rating is a measure of the attachment that a
customer has to a brand. If brand loyalty is high, customers may
continue to purchase that brand even if competitors have
superior quality and a lower price.
pos : 317, 396
Brand loyalty cannot exist without prior purchase and use
experience. A brand must generate sufficient awareness before consumers
will purchase and use the product. The higher the brand awareness, the
more people will try the product, and brand loyalty can increase
pos : 317, 396
The brand loyalty of a product is greatly affected by the product's quality.
If customers are satisfied after using the product, brand loyalty
begins to build up. Conversely, low quality and a poor experience with the
product decreases brand loyalty. If customers are very dissatisfied
with the quality of the product, a negative brand loyalty can result.
This indicates that customers will actively avoid buying this brand in
the future.
pos : 317, 351
In addition to these ratings, another important attribute of a brand is
the brand strategy. There are three types of brand strategy,
a corporate brand, a range brand, and a unique brand.
pos : 269, 430, 286, 442
mouse : left single
You can set your corporation's brand strategy in the "Brand"
section of the corporate detail report.
Click here to close the product report.
pos : 16, 256, 67, 306
mouse : left single
Click your corporate logo, a shortcut to the corporate detail report.
pos : 452, 83, 525, 93
mouse : left single
Click here to see the brand report.
pos : 145, 229
This window shows that your corporation is currently pursuing the unique
brand strategy. In this strategy, each product has an unique
brand and each individual product needs separate advertising to
establish and support its brand.
pos : 146, 190
Some corporations prefer the corporate brand strategy, which allows a
corporation to use a single brand for all its products.
When the corporation launches a new product, it is not
starting from scratch to build up awareness of its brand
identity. The investment required to launch a new product is therefore
pos : 146, 190
The drawback to this strategy is that the corporation is not perceived as a
dedicated provider of a single category of product. The consumer
may doubt the devotion of the corporation to the product, thus reducing
their loyalty to the brand.
pos : 146, 190
In addition, when a corporation extends its product lines to
many different markets, it may become difficult for the
corporation to maintain consistent quality for all its products.
Failure to do so results in damage to the brand as a
whole. This risk increases with the number of branded products.
pos : 141, 209
Given the advantages and disadvantages of these two strategies, a
corporation may choose a middle-of-the-road strategy, the range
brand. In this strategy, products in the same product class
are labeled with a single range brand. A range brand offers some
benefits of the two other strategies but also suffers from some
of their deficiencies.
pos : 104, 208
To change the brand strategy, click the one you want. When the
brand strategy is changed, all existing brand ratings are reset to
zero. It is generally best to decide the brand strategy of your
corporation at the beginning of the game.
pos : 467, 202
The brand strategy window also shows useful information about each
corporation's brand. You can click any city or corporation to
see how each brand is faring in each individual city.
pos : 213, 433, 230, 446
mouse : left single
You should now have a basic understanding of how to manage your
corporation's brands. Let's see how you can use advertising to
increase the product awareness of a brand.
Click here to close the report.
pos : 276, 285, 313, 308
mouse : left single
To carry out the advertising campaign, the first thing you need
is an advertising unit.
Click the "Layout" button now.
pos : 504, 263, 559, 311
mouse : left double
checkunit : 3, 15
Double-click here to create an advertising unit which is
responsible for contacting media firms (television stations and
newspaper publishers) and managing the advertising of the products.
pos : 483, 283, 499, 290
mouse : left double
An advertising unit will manage the advertising of the product contained
in each unit it is linked to.
Click here to link it to the sales unit.
The advertising unit is capable of handling more than one product at
a time. Each unit the advertising unit is linked to will have its
product advertised.
pos : 172, 341, 251, 353
mouse : left single
Next, you must tell the advertising unit in which media firm (television
station or newspaper publisher) you want your product advertised.
Click the "Link Media Firm" button now.
pos : 361, 32, 376, 58
mouse : left single
This television station seems to be a fairly good choice.
Select it now by clicking it.
pos : 440, 410
action : next_day
Here is how to read a media firm's statistics.
pos : 424, 365
This is the population of the city where the media firm is located.
pos : 424, 380
Coverage is a measure of the potential audience that might see an ad
placed with this media firm.
pos : 424, 405
Reach is the number of people that actually received an
advertising message at least once in the past month from this media firm.
pos : 424, 420
Rating Points is a percentage calculated by dividing reach by coverage.
pos : 424, 445
Cost Per Advertisement is the cost to place an advertisement with this
media firm.
pos : 424, 460
Cost Per Thousand is the cost of exposing 1,000 people to an
advertising message.
pos : 550, 300
The most important measure of the effectiveness of a media firm is its
rating points. It summarizes the relative reach of the media firm.
This should be your foremost concern when choosing a media firm to
advertise your product. A graph is dedicated to showing the rating point
history of this media firm over the past 12 months.
pos : 402, 308
Next to the rating point graph is a pie chart showing the share of the
advertisers in the past month. The corporate color of each of this
media firm's customers represents that corporation advertising share
of this firm's revenue. The white portion represents the share held by
local advertisers. This firm doesn't have any corporate advertisers yet.
pos : 277,257,312,279
mouse : left single
It's the time to tell your advertising unit to use this television
station for its ad campaign.
Click the "Link" button now.
pos : 82, 408
The television station's statistics are shown here. Some additional
information is also provided.
Reach/Population is the percentage of the population who receive the
advertising message. It is calculated by dividing the reach by the
pos : 132, 444
Daily Frequency indicates the number of times an individual
is exposed to an advertisement in a day.
pos : 121, 458
Monthly Frequency indicates the number of times an individual
is exposed to an advertisement in a month.
pos : 503, 289
For quick reference the daily frequency and rating points are displayed
in the ad unit's info-box, denoted by the letters "F" and "R," respectively.
Advertising frequency is significant, as a higher ad frequency
will improve product awareness faster than a lower frequency.
To increase frequency you must increase advertising spending.
pos : 50, 306
To set the monthly advertising spending click this slider.
IMPORTANT: This is the amount of money spent to advertise EACH
product managed by the advertising unit. Therefore an ad unit
that manages the ad campaigns of four products will spend four
times this amount each month on advertising.
With this advertising scheme, your product is surely going to gain
some popularity over time. Now you are ready to move on to the next